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Herbs & Pregnancy


Plus a major surprise at the end of the blog!!

Herbs have been used to support our bodies from the begning of time. As an indigenous person I have a deep respect for all nature provides us with. Herbs are an incredible tool to use throughout and after your pregnancy. I want to talk about some of the more popular herbs to use during pregnancy and a culturally specific herb i'm continuing to learn about.

Please note this is NOT medical advice. Any use of herbs should be discused with your provider. Due to a lack of research (aka profitability) herbs/claims about their benefit aren't regulated by the FDA or often used in medical research. **

Most common herbs used during pregnancy

Ginger: Ginger is THAT GIRL. Drinking ginger tea, eating ginger candy or even cooking with it can reduce nausea. There was also a study that found mothers taking ginger for three days postpartum had higher breast milk volume.

Peppermint: Peppermint is great for nausea as a tea or just thrown in with some lemonade to get hydrated as well.

Chamomile: Chamomile is a good option for those sleepless nights or maybe a mid day nap! It's best used for tea, 1-2x ma a day.

Rasberry Leaf Tea: RLT is a personal favorite. It's used in tea to tone the uterus and often recommended to begin using around 36 weeks. SEE NOTE AT THE BOTTOM FOR A SURPRISE (:

Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus is a staple for any natural mama. It's best used as an oil to aid in relaxation and as a room spray.

Passion Flower: I enjoy Passion fruit as a tincture to aid with sleep. It's a calming herb that can help relax you for bed.

Prickly pear: This plant is extremely underrated! Prickly pear can help lower blood sugar, anti inflammatory and for digestive assistance (my favorite).

Mexican Herb:

I am a descendant of the Aztec tribe. Current names Otomi & Nahuatl. I have began deep diving into my traditional medicine and have found incredible information. I will be sharing my personal experiences with traditional herbs in my pregnancy journey on my Instagram and TikTik. @lexdumont

One herb that has particulary peaked my interest is:

Zoapatle - Used to promote labor & as a contraceptive. Made as a tea. Recommended to avoid during pregnancy/breastfeeding.

I hope you found some helpful information here. I am always looking for ways to further support my mama community and herbs are a great accessible tool we can all use.


This week I will officially be adding my Pregnacy support tea on my Etsy shop! It will be a Rasberry Leaf Tea Mix to support those final weeks of pregnacny. This is probably my most requested item when it comes to recommendations and I am finally moving forward in sharing my own that I have crafted and used. Keep an eye out on my socials to see when it's released. I am so excited to share my hard work with you wonderful mamas and begin supporting you herbally! If you have any questrions do not hesitate to reach out!

Till next week,

Love your Indigenous Doula Alexis


You are capable of incredible things mama!


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